Current Students


Ezel Buse Sönmezocak

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: Legal Philosophy / Human Rights / Gender Studies

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M, in International Human Rights Law, Lund University (SE, 2018)

LL.B, Kadir Has University, (TR, 2014)

Esra Öğünç

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: International Business Law

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M.-International Business Law, King’s College London (2017), LL.B.- Koç University (2016)

Matteo Mastracci

Nationality: Italian

Research Topic / Area: EU law, Comparative Constitutionalism, International Human Rights law

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.B., University of Teramo

LL.M., LUISS School of Law

LL.M., Riga Graduate School of Law

İlayda Eskitaşcioğlu

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: International Human Rights Law, Business and Human Rights

Previous Degrees and Institutions: Bilkent University LL.B. (Türkiye, 2016) Leiden University, LL.M. (The Netherlands, 2018)

Irina Crivet

Nationality: Romania

Research Topic / Area: Implementation and Compliance with Human Rights Judgments; Freedom of expression; Interaction of Human Right Law with WTO Law

Supervisor: Prof. Basak Cali

Prof. Bertil Emrah Oder

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M. in Public Law Koç University (TR) and B.P.A Ovidius University (Romani)

Hüseyin Bahadır Çolak

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: Civil Law / Law of Obligations

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M. – Corporate and Commercial Law, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK, 2016)

LL.B – İ.D. Law, Bilkent University (TR, 2015)