Political Science And International Relations MA Without Thesis
Program Overview
The goal of the non-thesis MA program in International Relations is to fulfill an important need by providing the appropriate training for students who do not plan to be academics or researchers but plan to pursue applied careers focused on policy making as experts of international relations in national or international organizations. In a world that increasingly looks multipolar, state and non-state actors in emerging powers including Türkiye must establish multiple and multifaceted relations with other state and non-state actors. This can only be managed and accomplished successfully by professionals with adequate training and expertise. Thus, there is a growing need to educate and employ in public and private sectors professionals who are experts in international relations, self-confident on a global scale, and equipped with analytic and communication skills necessary to manage multifaceted institutonal relations. Even if these prpfessionals do not develop theories and conduct research themselves, they need to be able to follow, understand and adequately interpret research in their own areas. Hence, Koç University non-thesis MA program in International Relations is designed to fulfill this need by educating students who will develop these qualities without spending time to research and write a thesis.
In Koç University non-thesis MA program in International Relations, students will focus on developing these applied skills by taking three additional courses instead of writing a thesis, and still be able to complete the program and start their cereers at least one semester earlier than the students in the with-thesis program. In principle, enrollment in the non-thesis MA program does not entitle a student to directly gain admission to a relevant PhD program in the Institute. But such students can apply for admisson to a PhD program provided that they meet the application criteria.
The faculty members of the International Relations Department at Koç University are internationally renowned for their first-rate research, expertise and contributions to their respective fields nationally as well as internationally. Even though it is a medium-size department, it is ranked highly in international rankings based on refereed academic publications. The faculty’s expertise include theoretical research in areas such as international relations and comparative politics, research on regions such as the European Union and the Middle East, as well as applied research in areas such as conflict resolution, migration, and elections. Thus, the International Relations Department at Koç University has the qualities needed to provide a first-rate graduate education for experts of international relations.
With these qualities, Koç University non-thesis MA program in International Relations can be expected to attract graduates from universities in major Turkish cities, the rest of Türkiye, as well as Asia and Eurasia, thus contributing to relations with these countries.
Application Requirements
• Official Transcripts: Minimum GPA of 3,00/4,00
• English Proficiency: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): IBT min. 80, CBT min. 213, PBT min. 550 or YDS (min. 87)
• ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı): Min. 70 from Quantitative.
• GRE (Graduate Record Examination; For international applicants): Min. 610/149 from Quantitative
• 2 recommendation letters.
• Application Form
Applicants graduate from other majors are expected to took the courses or equilavent courses listed below:
INTL 101 Introduction to Political Science
INTL 203 Introduction to International Relations
INTL 204 Introduction to Comparative Politics and
1 Research Methods Course (not specifically from INTL major)
2 International Relations Courses.
Degree Requirements
Program Structure and Course Descriptions MA in International Relations – Non-Thesis Program is a one-year program consisting of 10 courses (30 credits) and a Project. Project Course is non-credit and evaluated as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Students need to register for the Project Course in the Spring Term
Required Courses
INTL 501 – Research Methods INTL 503 – Globalization and International Relations Theory INTL 504 – Comparative Politics INTL 594 – Project ENGL 500 – Academic Writing
Elective Courses: Accepted student will be taking 4 Area Electives and 3 free electives from the elective courses listed below.
Required Courses:
INTL 501 Research Methods Introduction to the fundamental research methods in social science, covering issues and methods shared by all of the social sciences and by many of the natural sciences. Particular emphasis on contemporary work in the fields of international relations and political science, elaborating on both quantitative and qualitative methods and highlighting the steps in identifying a problem worthy of study and developing testable hypotheses, designing a research strategy, gathering data, analyzing data, and interpreting the results.
INTL 503 Globalization and International Relations Theory Historical and analytical analysis of globalization processes and their impacts on world politics, with special focus on the questions of the changing nature of the nation state, sustainable economic development and democratic global governance. Presentation of an inter-disciplinary framework for an in-depth analysis of change in international relations, while paying attention to the debate on globalization that is taking place in the fields of international relations, sociology, economics and management.
INTL 504 Comparative Politics Examination of current issues of importance for the field of comparative politics such as: the expansion and problems of democracy as a political system, democratic consolidation, politics of economic restructuring, governance in an era of economic globalization, and nationalism and inter-cultural conflict. Review of the scope and methods of the field, and of alternate theoretical approaches such as historical sociology, rational choice, political culture and institutionalism.
INTL 594 Project An Extended Research Project under the supervision of an advisor.