Comparative Literature MA with Thesis

Application Requirements

Applicants for the Comparative Literature Master’s Program with Thesis are required to submit the documents listed and explained below.

All applicants are required to hold a bachelor’s degree.

A complete application package includes the following documents:

  • Statement of Purpose
  • Writing Sample
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • Transcript (a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00)
  • ALES (for native applicants)
  • GRE (for foreign applicants)
  • TOEFL or (e-)YDS or YÖKDİL (applicable to non-native English speakers)*
  • Interview: Short-listed applicants are required to interview as part of the admissions process.
Comparative Literature MA with Thesis Application Requirements 
Exams Minimum Required Scores
ALES(Verbal) 80
GRE (Verbal&Analytical) 156 (Verbal), 4 (Analytical)
GPA 3.00
YDS 80

Statement of Purpose

The statement should be approximately 500 words, succinctly conveying the reasons for applying to the Master’s Program, research interests, and career objectives. And as much as possible, it should include a tentative thesis topic and the texts under consideration.

Writing Sample

The sample should be approximately 3000 words, demonstrating the applicant’s skill in literary analysis and knowledge of critical approaches.

Letters of Recommendation

The Graduate School requires two letters of recommendation for MA applications. The letters should be by persons well qualified to speak from first-hand knowledge about the applicant’s potential for graduate study. Letters of recommendation must be submitted online.


The transcript should be submitted online as a high-quality scanned image. A final, official copy of the transcript will be required of all admitted students during registration. And a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 is required.


Applicants to MA programs must have their results from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE-for foreign applicants) or ALES (Akademik Lisansüstü Eğitim Sınavı-for native applicants) General Test sent to the Graduate School. You need to also upload available scores during online application. You will be able to leave these spaces empty if your scores are not available at the time of application. We do accept applications without ALES score. You must submit these scores as soon as it is announced.


All non-native English speakers must provide minimum required score stated in the table and submit their documents and scores online. We do accept applications without an English proficiency exam score. However, you must submit these scores as soon as it is announced.
1st Year – Fall Semester1st Year – Spring Semester
3-credit courses 
LITR 501: Methods in Comparative LiteratureLITR 502: Debates in Comparative Literature
LITR 542: Readings in Critical TheoryLITR 500-coded elective
LITR 500-coded elective*LITR 500-coded elective
Foreign language**Foreign language
12 total credits12 total credits
Non-credit courses 
KOLT 500: Teaching Assistant TrainingTEAC 500: Teaching Experience***
ETHR 500: Research and Publication Ethics 
2nd Year – Fall Semester2nd Year – Spring Semester
3-credit courses 
Foreign languageLITR 595 – Thesis (0 credit)
 TEAC 500 – Teaching Experience (0 credit)
3 total credits 
Non-credit courses 
LITR 595 – ThesisLITR 595 – Thesis (0 credit)
ENGL 500 – Academic Writing 
TEAC 500 – Teaching Experience 
27 total credits 


* Students can choose to take one 500-coded course from another department.

** Foreign language courses must be in the same language and sequential.

*** Students are required to enroll in TEAC 500 for their teaching assistant duties.

Please see Program Guidelines for details regarding the above.

Students must complete all the course requirements by the end of the Spring Semester of their second year and have a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 to graduate.

Course Selection

M.A. students must take nine for-credit courses, for a total of twenty-seven credits: three required, three elective, and three foreign language courses.

  • Required:
1st Year – Fall Semester1st Year – Spring Semester
LITR 501: Methods in Comparative LiteratureLITR 502: Debates in Comparative Literature
LITR 542: Readings in Critical Theory 
  • Electives are LITR 500-coded courses. But students can choose to take one 500-coded course from another department with the approval of the M.A. program coordinators.
  • Foreign language courses must be in the same language and sequential. But students can be exempt from language courses if they provide certification of proficiency in a third language at B2-level or higher, besides their native language and English for example. Those exempt must take an additional LITR 500-level course. Please contact the program coordinators for details.

Students may take a LITR 300- or 400-coded course, but only as an audit. And they must take several non-credit courses.

Advisor Assignments

Students must assign a thesis advisor, notify the program coordinators, and turn in the advisor appointment form to the GSSSH office by July 1 of their first academic year. They can change their advisor subject to the consent of the new advisor and the program coordinators, and should notify the office as soon as the change takes place.

Thesis Proposal

Students must submit a thesis proposal by September 15 of their second academic year.

Thesis Jury Composition

The thesis jury is composed of three faculty members, and one member must be from another university with at least the title of Assistant Professor. The jury must be approved by both the Department and GSSSH by February 15 of their second year.

Thesis Submission and Defense Date

Students must submit the final draft of their thesis by May 15 of their second year and notify their defense date to the GSSSH office. The defense date must be scheduled for early June, between three to four weeks after the submission.

Leave of Absence

Students may suspend their studies only up to two consecutive semesters with the approval of their advisor, the program coordinators, and the GSSSH office. Stipends and other benefits will be put on hold during the leave.

Teaching Experience

Students are expected to gain teaching experience as part of their studies and will be appointed as teaching assistants, beginning with the spring semester of their first year and continuing in the fall and spring semesters of their second year.


All grievances should be first communicated to the program coordinators.