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Kamil Yılmaz



Kamil Yilmaz is a Professor of Economics at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. He is a member of the Science Academy, Turkey. He holds MA and PhD degrees in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a BA degree in Economics from Bogazici University.
He worked as an Economist in the Research Department of the World Bank before joining Koç University in 1994.

He visited the Department of Economics of the University of Pennsylvania in the 2003-2004 and 2010-2011 academic years. He has published numerous articles in leading international academic journals and edited books on macroeconomics, financial econometrics, international trade, and the Turkish economy. He received the Turkish Academy of Sciences Encouragement Award in Social Sciences, TUBITAK Overseas Research Scholarship, TUBITAK Leading National Researchers Program Project support and was elected as a member of the Science Academy, Turkey. He is the recipient of the best paper awards for his highly-cited articles published in the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and International Journal of Forecasting.

At Koç University, he served as the Director of Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum and the Associate Director of the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities. He has lectured to professional economists at the IMF, World Bank, Bank of Indonesia, Bank of Thailand, SEACEN Centre in Malaysia, and Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow and served as a consultant and member of the board of directors in the private sector. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Science Academy, Turkey, and a Senior Scholar at the Istanbul Policy Center.

Research areas

Macroeconomics , Financial Econometrics , International Trade



PhD, University of Maryland


Master’s, University of Maryland


Bachelor’s, Boğaziçi University



Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics, Best Paper Award


Dennis J. Aigner Award for Applied Econometrics, Honorable Mention


International Journal of Forecasting Best Paper Award


TÜBA Encouragement Award in the Social Sciences and Humanities