

Levent Emre Özgüç

Full Name: Levent Emre Özgüç

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: Criminal Law / Criminal Procedure / Criminology / Human Rights Law

Previous Degrees and Institutions: Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Criminological Research, Cambridge University (2018)

Master of Law (LL.M.) in Public Law, Koç University (2017)

Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), Koç University (2015)

Áquila Mazzinghy

Nationality: Brazilian

Research Topic / Area: International Criminal Law

Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Önok

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M American University Washington College of Law (USA) – International Law & Human Rights; LL.B Bachelor of Laws – Federal University of Viçosa – Brazil

Arina Kostina

Nationality: Ukraine

Research Topic / Area: Rights based constitutional review / Comparative constitutional law

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bertil Emrah Oder

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LL.M., Koç University LL.B., Kyiv Mohyla University

Betül Durmuş

Nationality: Turkish

Research Topic / Area: Non-discrimination, minority rights /International human rights law

Supervisor: Prof. Bertil Emrah Oder

Prof. Başak Çalı

Previous Degrees and Institutions: B.A.- Law, Bilkent University (2013)

LL.M.- Public Law, Koç University (2016)

Hoitsimolimo Mutlokwa

Nationality: Zimbabwean

Research Topic / Area: Constitutional Rights/ Constitutional Comparative law

Supervisor: Prof. Bertil Emrah Oder

Previous Degrees and Institutions: LLM Public Law and Legal Philosphy – North-West University South Africa

LLB- North-West University South Africa