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Ziya Öniş

International Relations


Ziya Öniş is Professor of International Political Economy at Koç University in Istanbul. Prior to joining Koç University he was Professor of Economics at Bogazici University University. He is the former Director of both the Center for Research on Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance (GLODEM) and the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Koç University. His recent research focuses on rising powers and the emerging post-liberal international order, varieties of populism in a global context, democratic backsliding and authoritarian turns in the global South and the European Periphery, domestic politics-foreign policy linkages and new wave of economic crises in emerging powers. His articles have been published in Review of International Political Economy, New Political Economy, Global Governance, Journal of Democracy, Comparative Politics, Government and Opposition, Development and Change, Mediterranean Politics, Third World Quarterly, Democratization, Political Science Quarterly, International Affairs inter alia. He is the co-recipient, with Mustafa Kutlay, of the Elizabeth Meehan Prize for the best article published in Government and Opposition in 2019. Most recently, in March 2023, he received the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award in the context of 18 th Kadir Has Awards. He has been a Fellow of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) since 2012.

Recent and Select Publications

(with M. Kutlay) “Liberal Democracy on the Edge: Anxieties in a Shifting Global (dis)order”.
Alternatives: Global Local, Political, Vol. 48. No.1 (2023):20-37. Online Version published in
May 2022.

(with F. Şenses) “Turkey’s Encounter with Neo-liberal Globalization and the Logic of
Washington Consensus: 1980-1990”, In Emre Özçelik and Yonca Özdemir, eds., Political
Economy of Development in Turkey, 1838-Present, London and New York: Palgrave
Macmillan (2022).

(with M. Yalıkun) “Emerging Partnership in a Post-Western World? The Political Economy of
China-Turkey Relations”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4
(2021):507-529. Online Version published in September 2021.

(with M. Kutlay) “Understanding Oscillations in Recent Turkish Foreign Policy: Pathways to
Unusual Middle Power Activism”. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 42, No. 2 (2021):3051-3069.
Online Version published in October 2021

(with M. Kutlay) “Turkish Foreign Policy in a Post-Western Order: Strategic Autonomy or a
New Form of Dependence? International Affairs, Vol. 97, No. 4 (2021): 1085-1104.

Main sub-Fields:
Political Economy

Turkish Politics

International Relations

Research areas

Global and Comparative Political Economy , Politics of The EU , Turkish Politics and Foreign Policy , Political Economy of Contemporary Turkey , Democratization and İts Crises , Emerging Powers in Global Governance , Democratization and its Crises



PhD, Manchester University


Master’s, London School of Economics


Bachelor’s, London School of Economics



TÜBİTAK Science Award