SOCI 509

ntroduces the fundamentals of historical and social research by focusing on a variety of research methods. In this modular course, students are first exposed to the philosophy of social science methodology and quantitative research methods. Then they are introduced to historical, sociological, and comparative methods, including oral history, ethnography, interviewing techniques, archival research and document analysis. Building on their training in these methods, the course also will guide students through the steps of research design, namely writing research proposals, constructing hypotheses, operationalizing research questions, designing questionnaires and interview forms, and data collection

Undergraduate Programs

SOCI 503

Closely examines the basic themes and the most important figures of classical sociological theory. Course analyzes in detail the work of Marx, Weber and Durkheim, which constitutes the classical roots of sociological theory and helps students develop a sociological perspective through extensive theoretical discussions.

Undergraduate Programs

SOCI 504

Some of the most important theoretical questions of the social sciences have been posed by scholars pursuing investigations at the intersection of sociology and history. How are these questions formulated and answered? How important is a consideration of the temporal nature of human actions and social structures and what are its consequences for our understanding of social life? How does the past "matter" to the present? This course addresses these questions and introduces students to some key theories, methodological contributions and a selection of substantive themes in comparative and historical sociology.

Undergraduate Programs

SOCI 506

Examines contemporary theoretical approaches that emerged after the Second World War as a follow up to classical sociological theories. Course presents different theoretical approaches including structuralism, post-structuralism, post-modernism, feminism, post-Marxism, and subaltern studies, by reading and discussing the work of most important figures of these fields.

Undergraduate Programs

SOCI 502

Examines the basic qualitative research methods used in sociological research with their weaknesses and strengths. Course covers qualitative data collection methods, ethnography, interview techniques, archive research methods, oral history, and document analysis methods.

Undergraduate Programs