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Ali Hürriyetoğlu

Öğretim Görevlisi


Genel Bakış

Ali Hürriyetoğlu is a postdoctoral research fellow at Koc University in Emerging Welfare project. He is performing research and coordinating the work-package related to collect a multi-country and multilingual protest (contentious politics) events database from local news sources. In addition to his research related duties, he is teaching Social Sciences and Computing course at the Social Sciences department. Mr. Hürriyetoglu is a computational linguist who has a background in computer and cognitive sciences. He performed research on extracting actionable information from social media in the scope of his Ph.D. studies. He has been working in industrial, governmental, and academic settings to process news and social media text in various domains throughout his career. Recently, he is active in natural language processing and information retrieval communities in terms of suggesting novel datasets and tasks that are tackled by many teams all over the world. His recent research focus is on the robustness and the generalizability of text processing systems across contexts.

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