Comparative Studies In History And Society MA without Thesis

Program Overview

The non-thesis MA program in Comparative Studies in History and Society combines the strengths of the sociology and history departments of Koç University in an interdisciplinary Master of Arts (M.A.) program. The program serves a growing need in Türkiye for interdisciplinary graduate programs in the social sciences.

Students are trained in the fields of historical transformations concerning state and society as well as social inequalities. The courses will prepare students for both future Ph.D. programs and careers in research and policy-related positions in governmental and non-governmental organizations by providing the basic background in the historical analyses of current-day societal Dynamics.

Degree Requirements

Program Structure and Course Descriptions

MA in Comparative Studies in History and Society Non-Thesis Program is a one-year program consisting of 10 courses (30 credits) and a Project. Project Course is non-credit and evaluated as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Students need to register for the Project Course in the Spring Term

Fall Term Spring Term

  • CSHS 504 CSHS 502
  • CSHS 570 CSHS 503
  • Elective Course CSHS 571
  • Elective Course Elective Course
  • Elective Course Elective Course
  • Project

Required Courses

CSHS 504 Historical Sociology

Some of the most important theoretical questions of the social sciences have been posed by scholars pursuing investigations at the intersection of sociology and history. How are these questions formulated and answered? How important is a consideration of the temporal nature of human actions and social structures and what are its consequences for our understanding of social life? How does the past “matter” to the present? This course addresses these questions and introduces students to some key theories, methodological contributions and a selection of substantive themes in comparative and historical sociology.

CSHS 502 Research Methods and Design

Introduces the fundamentals of historical and social research by focusing on a variety of research methods. In this modular course, students are first exposed to the philosophy of social science methodology and quantitative research methods. Then they are introduced to historical, sociological, and comparative methods, including oral history, ethnography, interviewing techniques, archival research and document analysis. Building on their training in these methods, the course also will guide students through the steps of research design, namely writing research proposals, constructing hypotheses, operationalizing research questions, designing questionnaires and interview forms, and data collection.

CSHS 503 Social Theory

Surveys some of the main themes and names in social theory. Examines in depth the classical foundations of sociological theory, especially the works of Marx, Weber and Durkheim. Focuses on some of the important early and late twentieth-century thinkers, including Gramsci, Bourdieu and Foucault, and discusses the feminist and postcolonial challenges to classical theory.

CSHS 570 Applied Research I

This course helps students prepare a research proposal. Students learn how to decide on their research topic, formulate a research question, review the relevant literature and decide on their research methodology and technique.

CSHS 571 Applied Research II

Within the framework of the research proposal that students will have prepared in the   fall semester, students will be conducting their research and present it both verbally and in written format.

Elective Courses:

CSHS 506 Turkish State and Society

Analyzes major social, economic and political transformations in Ottoman/Turkish society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Focuses mainly on Turkish state, society, and culture from 1923 to the present.

CSHS 511 Social Stratification

Introduces students to the major theories and empirical trends in social stratification. Examines dimensions of social inequalities and stratification, such as class, race, ethnicity and gender from a comparative, historical, and global perspective.

CSHS 516 Nations and Nationalism

Examines ideas of nationalism, nations and nation-states, and the different ways in which nationalism is practiced and expressed, and the major theoretical works on these concepts.

CSHS 517 Ottoman State and Society

Analysis of Ottoman state, institutions and culture with a specific emphasis on state and social group relations in the nineteenth century Ottoman Empire. Evolution of social change from the Classical Age to the end of the empire, rise of local nationalisms, ruptures and continuities between the Ottoman imperial regime and nation-states.

CSHS 521 Comparative Perspectives on the Middle East

Analyzes the establishment and development of Middle Eastern political systems, social and political processes including the end of empires, formation of nation states, and their foreign policies beginning with the nineteenth century.

CSHS 524 Etatist Policies in Comparative Perspective

Examines state-oriented policies in general in Eastern Europe including the Soviet Union and Balkan countries, comparing these countries to Türkiye. Deals with different economic policies in those countries during the 20th century. Explores the effects of etatist economies on the political transformations in these societies.

CSHS 533: Science, Technology, and Society

Introduces students to the fundamental concepts and issues in the study of science and technology. The course employs a multidisciplinary point of view in the social sciences and humanities and focuses on the reciprocal ways in which science and technology shape society and the ways in which society shapes science and technology. The main questions we will ask will be philosophical (how to define science and technology?), sociological (how does science and technology interact with social categories, such as gender and race), historical (how does the historical development of science and technology inform them today? How do past debates matter?), and political (how does power matter in the practice of science and technology? How should science and technology be controlled democratically?).

CSHS 538 Social and Political Movements

Engages some of the theoretical perspectives, conceptual issues/questions, and empirical research that animate the study of social movements and collective action. It will look into the individual and collective involvement in social movements, as well as examine the social and political context of collective action. How and why do social movements emerge? How are social movements organized? How do activists choose political tactics and strategies? What are, if any, the effects of social movements on processes of social and political change?

CSHS 541 Migration and Population Movements

Provides an advanced survey of scholarly literatures on migration and population movements. Covers theories of and empirical studies about international migration, transnational migration and diaspora formation, refugee movements and internal displacement.

CSHS 565 Advanced Topics in the History of Culture and Society

Introduces some of the major historiographical approaches to the study of culture and society. We will map turning points in the field and examine methodological, theoretical, and ideological frameworks that have guided historians today. Topics will include the history of the urban life, popular culture and social control, reading habits, religious beliefs, and gender relations.